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Totnes School of Piano
New Year - New Challenge
September marks the start of a new academic year, and for me as a piano teacher, THIS feels like my New Year! It's a time for planning...
FREE Summer Improvisation Workshop
What do you need to start improvising at the piano? Not chords. Not scales. Come along to the FREE online “3 Ways to Start Improvising at...
NEW COURSE - Piano for Adult Beginners
Over the years we have been teaching piano we have noticed one particular enterprising group of students - namely the adult beginners....
Calling all adventurous piano players!
Totnes School of Piano is running a free four week online improvisation course for pianists who want to improvise freely. It's called The...
Our new Summer School
I was chatting with a young piano student back in May, and to my surprise she told me she found the Easter break too long! She enjoyed...
Music Lessons for Preschoolers!
Totnes School of Piano is now offering the Preschool Prodigies programme for students aged 2-5 years old! The Preschool Prodigies...
Think PINK!
Before we bid this beautiful summer farewell, I want to reminisce on a happy Totnes School of Piano memory. In July, we held yet another...
Young Totnes School of Piano pianist debuts in Totnes!
A new Totnes talent in the world of the piano is about to perform her debut concert. Lina Okihara has been learning piano since she was...
Pianarama Festival coming soon!
The Totnes School of Piano will be holding its first Pianarama Festival in and around Totnes - 8-11 September, 2016. It will feature...
Grade 5 Theory
Need to pass your Grade 5 Theory exam? We can get you there in twelve weeks. We have extensive experience in teaching music theory, from...
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